This Briefing is designed for suitably qualified locksmiths who wish to become SCEC-approved. The SCEC-approved locksmith maintains mechanical and digital combination locks fitted to SCEC-approved containers. SCEC approved locksmiths are also used to fit locks and associated hardware to doors and windows of certain Australian Government high security zones.
Subjects covered in the briefing include:
- container inspection, servicing and reporting procedures;
- physical security locking requirements of the Protective Security Policy Framework and ASIO Technical Notes;
- an assessment to demonstrate competency.
Day two of the briefing will consist of certification workshops from Davcor on the X10, and Locksmith Supply Company on the S&G 2740b. If you have already undertaken either (or both) of these workshops you may opt-out: please indicate your intentions with regard to these workshops when submitting your application form. Certification on these locks is a mandatory condition of maintaining SCEC approval.
When a locksmith meets all of the requirements for SCEC approval they are granted approval for five years and their details are entered on a SCEC Approved Locksmith Register, which is maintained by T4 Protective Security.
Briefings are conducted at a cost of $975 GST inclusive. This includes lunch, morning and afternoon tea. Travel and accommodation costs are not included.
A SCEC-approved locksmith identification card and certificate will be issued on successful completion of the briefing and payment of any outstanding fees.
The SCEC-approved locksmith Scheme is now open for applications, with briefings to be delivered in November 2024, as well as February 2025. Please see the dates and locations below.
To accommodate the anticipated demand, we will be delivering up to two briefing sessions in each state. Each briefing’s duration is two days with applicants only needing to attend one briefing, for example 4 to 5 November.
Once we have received your completed application, eligible applicants will be invited to attend a briefing session in your state. If you have a preference for any of the particular dates or locations below, please include this with your application and we will attempt to accommodate your request.
The cost for each participant for the two-day session is $975, payment details will be provided with your invitation to the session.
Locksmith Briefing dates for 2025 will be provided shortly.
If you are a suitably qualified locksmith and wish to be considered for the SCEC-approved locksmith Scheme, please read the SCEC Approved Locksmith Scheme Policy and submit a completed hard copy application pack to:
Chair SCEC
GPO Box 1508
Canberra ACT 2601
Applications may be received at any time.
Approximately 6 weeks prior to a briefing, SCEC will review the completed applications received and assess the applicants against the criteria outlined in the Policy. Applicants will be advised of the outcome of their application at least 4 weeks prior to each scheduled Briefing.
Applicants selected to participate in the Scheme will be invited to attend a Briefing and complete the assessment. Locksmiths who successfully complete the assessment will be granted SCEC approval and, once all fees have been settled, will receive a SCEC-approved locksmith identification card.
Applications for renewing SCEC Approved Locksmiths are accepted at any time. Renewing SCEC-approved locksmiths are not currently required to attend a briefing to maintain validity; therefore there is no renewal fee. Please complete the renewal application form and forward (with the required documentation) to:
Chair SCEC
GPO Box 1508
Canberra ACT 2601
We recommend applications be forwarded to SCEC at least eight weeks prior to your expiry date to ensure continued validity and inclusion on the SCEC-approved locksmith register.
Be aware that the National Police Check (NPC) can take a number of weeks to be finalised. It is recommended that you apply for the NPC well in advance of the eight weeks before your expiry date.
Note: if a locksmith does not submit a renewal application prior to the expiry of their SCEC approval, the locksmith will need re-apply as a New SCEC-approved locksmith.